drum overheads

Recording Overheads PT1: Mono

Recording Overheads PT1: Mono

If you’ve followed my recording videos then you know I’m a HUGE proponent of using overhead mics to capture the majority (or at least a large part) of your drum sound. I talk about it all the time…..and now I’m going to talk about it more! 🙂

Over the next couple of weeks I will cover 3 or 4 different techniques for recording overheads starting with mono!

I think using a mono overhead mic gets overlooked all too often. It’s such an effective way to capture a good drum sound. Plus there are other ways to capture a stereo image…but that’s for another video.

In this video we’ll take a look at how the height and placement of the microphone effects your sound.

Check back soon for PT2!

Happy recording,


Posted by Charlie in Recording Ninja Workshops, Recording Tips, Video Posts, 0 comments