session report

Session Reports – In the Studio w/Charlie Waymire

Session Reports – In the Studio w/Charlie Waymire has launched a new video series called “Session Report”.

In this new series Charlie will document actual sessions at Ultimate Studios, Inc. He’ll talk about choosing microphones to fit the artists sound, micing techniques and concepts, gear, and most importantly why he chooses to use a particular mic or setup.

Session Reports are all about context. Some setups will be fairly straight forward and some may be more unorthodox. The goal is to show what went in to capturing a sound for a specific artist.

The debut Session Report episode features drummer Jeff Bowders (Paul Gilbert/Puddle of Mudd). Jeff performs a track of his album “The Pilgrimage of Thingamuhjig”. Check out the video below and be sure to visit for a complete breakdown of the session including photos, mic list, outboard gear list, and detailed session notes.




Jeff Bowder's and his Tama drum set at Ultimate Studios, Inc filiming Session Report

There is a secret to getting great drum sounds that surpasses almost anything else. It’s more important than having good mics, killer drums, or even an amazing room. What I’m about to tell you might shock you…..but it’s a secret that will always set you up for great drum recordings. Are you ready?

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Posted by Charlie in Full On Drums, Recording Tips, Tracking, Video Posts, 0 comments