Yesterday we posted video of Chad & Kevin tracking “Eagle Eye”. Today we bring behind the scenes footage from the session.
As far as sessions go it went pretty smooth. Working with professional musicians like Chad & Kevin make my job as an engineer pretty easy. Kevin and I had talked quite a bit in the weeks leading up to the session so I had a pretty good idea on what type of tones they wanted.
We decided to use a vintage Rogers Holiday kit restored by a good friend of mine Kurt Berger and drum whisperer Chris Heuer. It is a truly amazing drum set. I love all of my kits but that kit just has the “it” factor. It really is amazing.
Kevin brought his Mark Bass rig which is a piece of cake to record. Although Kevin could make any bass rig sound good the Mark Bass is bad ass.
All in all this was a really fun day in the studio. Tarja joined us via Skype from Buenos Aires and stayed on for the entire session. Once we’d get a track we would also send them an MP3 to listen to. This is one of the great ways that technology has made our lives better. It was an international session!
Tarja is a wonderful person and an amazing artist. Check the new album out at Links to purchase the album are below.
Anyway let’s get to the video! I’ll post a full list of the mics used and a few photos below too.
The Brightest Void
Tarja CD Digipak – Tarja 1LP+Download – Tarja iTunes
Microphone List
- Chad Smith & Kevin Chown layin’ down tracks
- Drum layout on the Trident 88
- The Trident 88 is full!
- Chad Smith & Kevin Chown listening to takes
- Kevin’s Mark Bass rig
- Kick mic setup with a 5 foot tunnel!
- Rogers Holiday kit used for the sesson
- Rogers Holiday
- AE3000 room mics
- Kit with kit tunnel
- SM57 on top of the snare
- Gretsch bell brass snare