live sessions

In Session: Good Vibes with Dankrupt

In Session: Good Vibes with Dankrupt

The good vibes and killer grooves of Dankrupt once again invaded the studio. Joined by drummer RJ Shankle and Producer Sean Gould, the band recorded drums for their upcoming EP.

Even though we were only tracking drums the whole band played together in the live room. This is such a wonderful way to make music. Giving RJ maximum vibe for his performance!

Dankrupt is a GREAT band! They is pure joy every time they play. Here is a short video from that day in the studio.

For more info on Dankrupt visit them on Facebook.




Tracking Input List – Dankrupt 6-25-16

Dankrupt Tracking Input List 6-25-16

Posted by Charlie in Tracking, Video Posts, 0 comments