Congratulations on becoming a member of the Ultimate Studios, Inc Insider! Now all you have to do is download “The Art of Recording Drums – 4 Twists On Minimal Miking” FREE eBook.
Click Here To Download “4 Twists On Minimal Miking” Now!
To save the ebook to your computer, simply right-click and choose the option save link as (or something similar).
“4 Twists On Minimal Miking” is in PDF format and can easily be viewed in Abode’s Acrobat Reader and Apple’s Preview. Of course you can always print it too!
Video Demonstrations
Soon you’ll receive an email with a link to video demonstrations as well. The videos will help to demonstrate what each setup in the eBook sounds like.
We will NOT use your email address for any other than sending you periodic emails with tips, tricks, and informative music info! We won’t flood your inbox and will never give your info to anyone else.
Will You Do Me A Favor?
I do my best to try and challenge drummers and engineers to record not only great sounding drums but unique sounding drums that are right for the song. This is a huge reason why I put this eBook together. To challenge recording connoisseur to see the drum kit as a whole and not separate pieces and I need you to help spread the word by telling all of your recording friends.
If you enjoyed the eBook please tell your drummer and engineer friends.
Tweet: FREE Minimal Drum Miking eBook! #recordingdrums
If you come up with some cool minimal miking setups of your own please share with us at:
Ultimate Studios, Inc FaceBook Page
Ultimate Studios, Inc Twitter Feed
Happy Recording!
Charlie Waymire